Currently looking for an HTML designer. If you know of someone, or you would like to apply, a list of requirements for each and a format for the application will be listed below.
**Please also note that writers are no longer needed. I have decided to keep myself as the sole author and poster of this blog for the time being. I also probably will not require the services of another writer for quite some time.**
Requirements for an HTML designer:
You must be able to use HTML fluently.
Well-designed banners and other graphics will be asked of you, with ample notice time.
You must have some form of outside communication (ex. e-mail) that I will be able to contact you with.
You must be a member of this blog.
Application format (HTML designer):
Stardoll Username:
Do you have any experience as an HTML designer?:
Are you a novice, intermediate, or expert designer/HTML user?:
If you have something to display, please paste a link to a sample of your work here:
Stardoll Username: frostprincess (real name: Scarlet)
ReplyDeleteAge: 15
Country: United States
Do you have any experience as a writer?: Currently writing my own book
Sample from book: There were three things I was completely sure about, one, I was sure I was going to be humiliated, definitely, Two, I was going to have to work hard, no matter how much pain it caused, and three, there would be things so powerful in that world that thirsted for the taste of victory, and blood of their victims. I know I will have to work my way to the top of the food chain. But there was one positive idea when it came down to it; I was free, fast, strong, and an heir to the Hungarian Vámpír Throne. I was ruthless.
~From "Othersiders"
Stardoll Username: Minibun (Emily)
ReplyDeleteAge: 12...(but 13 in a month, haha)
Country: United States
Do you have any experience as a writer?: Yes, I have my stories published in my school paper, and I write freelance for fun.
There were 4 beings surrounding me. I say beings because they weren't quite human, but not quite animal. But I did know that they were intelligent, and I was safe, as long as I didn't try to run. I won't describe them thoroughly because they were superficial compared to what happened next.
Before I entered, a being pricked my finger and wiped the blood on my forehead. The door shined like a mirror- I could see a thick line of blood on by forehead. I had never been afraid of blood, but this was...odd. Surreal, even. I couldn't explain it.
And then there was the Kind. No, not the King. He was called Kind. This reassured me, and I walked through the looking-glass door with confidence. And then I saw him.
Kind was...fantastic. He was a giant mural, made swirling colors, a perfect blend of good and evil...but mostly evil. When I looked closer, the colors blanched and hid from me. They faded and grew artificial. His purple eyes had a malicious twinkle. ...And he was leaning towards me. My face was in his hands. And the next thing I heard was, "Why are you here?"
Sorry it was so long...I was feeling inventive ^-^
Stardoll Username: Iceycold123 (Bek)
ReplyDeleteAge: 15
Country: Australıa
Do you have any experıence as a wrıter?: I am a non-publıshed author, owned my own stardoll blog & have been a wrıter for a numerous amounts of blogs.
etc: I feel that when wrıtıng for a blog my personalıty enterwınes wıth each and every sentence.
Luke drove wıth nerveless precısıon, tearıng down the hıghway,burnıng up the road and the tıres on hıs black pıckup truck. Wınd whıpped hıs haır through the open wındow and stung hıs face wıth the blast-furnace force of a summer gone crazy wıth heat. It's been 3 months sınce he passed away. Long enough that my 8 year old brother, Logan, doesn't cry every tıme we talk about hım, but recent enough that we're beıng forced to accept the fınancıal aftermath that comes wıth a newly sıngle parents householdç A household tha couldn't afford to remaın ın Texas and ın the only home I've ever known.